Wallpaper Wednesday featuring Zapata

This week’s Wallpaper Wednesday features our forward par excellence, Duván Zapata! You can choose one of the three designs (or all of them), which can be downloaded from our Weibo account.

Four seasons with the Nerazzurri, four seasons in double figures. Zapata‘s stats since he has been wearing the Atalanta shirt are incredible: he scored a total of 79 goals in 161 appearances, these are numbers that make him the best all-time foreign goalscorer in the history of Atalanta.

What are you waiting for? Download our wallpapers featuring Duván and stay tuned to our accounts for the next issue of our Wallpaper Wednesday!

CLICK HERE and download one of Zapata’s wallpapers!

  • 18/05/2022
  • Initiatives
  • Duván Zapata