Josip Iličić gifts “his” ball to the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo. As a sign of closeness, gratitude and affection for what doctors, nurses and all those involved, are doing to fight a horrific virus that is shaking the lives of all of us: “We too are by your side, our angels, to win the most important match of all”.

The ball is the one that Josip took home from the Mestalla after scoring the 4 goals that gave Atalanta the victory in the return leg against Valencia (3-4), which secured the Nerazzurri a historic qualification for the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals.

A win that Atalanta immediately dedicated to Bergamo, to its province and to all Bergamaschi at such a difficult and delicate time: “Bergamo, this is for you #DontGiveUp”. It’s a win, generally speaking, dedicated to all those who are working hard, day and night, to fight Covid-19.

In the header Iličić at the Mestalla, while here below in the press room of the Bortolotti Centre with the ball of the four goals scored against Valencia which was donated to the Papa Giovanni 23° Hospital.

  • 14/03/2020
  • Josip Iličić
  • Champions League